Keep safe, Grace, enjoy the company of your family members who stay close to you, let the other ones come to their senses and come closer, and may God take special care of you.
aligot ripounsous
JoinedPosts by aligot ripounsous
Well it is time for me to say GOODBYE!!!
by mouthy init has been nice talking with you.but i seem to upset a few because of my faith.. so have a great christmas.... & be good, i wont be here to send you to your rooms .
i have grown close to many of you.... if i have ever said anything to hurt you sorry!!!!.
when i kick the bucket i am sure "mary" who ssometimes post will let you know.. mouthy grace gough.
New Book Published
by satinka ini have been threatening to publish a book about growing up in the jw religion, then leaving as a mature adult.
well, it's 368 pages and it's done!.
introduction to the book.
aligot ripounsous
Your introduction is quite well written and makes me want to read more about your experience, Esther. Such books are a real help for those who want to sort out and see clearly within their feelings when analysing their lifes (ready to accept severed relations with parents, relatives and friends ? etc.) as JWs.
I have said it before
by mouthy inthis time i mean it.. thanks for all the ones that love me .
i am getting off the site after all these years.. anghard & simon .
but of late.
aligot ripounsous
Whatever you decide, Grace, many thanks for your contribution to this site, May God bless your leave, may He take care of you. Be happy with your close friends and family and please know that you are most welcome to pop in and say a joyfull Hello!
Mouthy Grace is not well. Please send love.
by return of parakeet inin another thread, mouthy said she was "not well" and mentioned "kicking the bucket.
i believe she needs some encouragement and well wishes.. mouthy, you don't need to respond to this thread if you don't feel up to it.
just consider it an exceptionally long get-well card..
aligot ripounsous
you are so appreciated on this site, I'm sure that all JWN members' best wishes of recovery go out to you and I'm confident that some faithful friends -and hopefully relatives- can look after you if you need it.
My Final Goodbye
by Lady Lee ini want to start by saying i will not participate in discussion here about my resignation as a moderator at jwn.. simon please consider this as my resignation from that position.. i have been posting on this board for almost 12 years.
i know some of you a lot, others a little and some not very well at all.
i have remained here for those of you who have needed support as you make the transition out of the wts, who needed someone to listen to your experiences of abuse at the hands of jehovah's witnesses, and to both laugh and cry with you as you progress out of the watchtower society.. we know that we have all experienced the cruelty of abuse of one kind or another.
aligot ripounsous
Lady Lee,
I just occasionally pop in back to JWN, since post JW life has taken over. I don't want to miss this opportunity to thank you for having been here when I had my little bit of participation in this site. I always appreciated your interventions, your sensitivity to the problem of child abuse and your experience of life in Quebec. I wish you the very best, la vie continue.
Why would anyone think the 7 times of Daniel 4 should have two fulfillments?
by jwfacts ineach prophecy in daniel had only one fulfilment.
why believe inconsistently that daniel 4:9-32 should have two fulfillments?.
daniel 2: an immense image representing kingdoms.
aligot ripounsous
The two fulfillment prophecies was the great invention of Fred Franz. Thanks to them, he managed to irrigate the JW theology for about 50 years and keep followers in awe about how wonderful and deep God's special purpose for His earthly organisation (morphed lately into an association) was.
Corpus Christi JW's/ex JW's?
by gaiagirl ini began wondering what ever became of many of the people i used to know when i lived in corpus christi, tx.
haven't heard from these people in years, and wondering if they are still in, or out, and how their lives are at present: marvin smith jr.; tim and cindy constance,; ron and donna russell,; tim and terry sparck,; marty and barb jarosewski,; skip and debbie mccreery,; vikki johnson and her husband mark (sorry, forgot your married name),; tim zorzi,; ed kretzinger a.k.a.
"mr. k" (just call, thats all),; jim and shirley mccreery,; elenora genteman,; chico and lupe hernandez, and their son charlie,; bruce and cindy dozier,; .
aligot ripounsous
Anyone heard about Rudy and Lupita Galvan ?
SAD news about OOMPA......
by redredrose inour friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
aligot ripounsous
Very sad thing, indeed, when loneliness is just too heavy to bear. RIP, Oompa.
Moving to Canada from France
by cdoc5c inhi, .
i am an ex jw and moving to canada tomorrow, montreal exactly, anybody around to meet up?
aligot ripounsous
I did that 38 years ago with an immigrant visa. I was accomodated, with other immigrants, by Mme Pêche (St Hubert/Rachel) whom The immigration service had directed me to, and I stayed there for a year. Then I came back to France but it turns out that the time I worked there (Freight forwarding) as a wage earner has been validated by the Régie des rentes du Québec as a whole working year, thanks to the social security Entente between Québec and France. So, keep your payroll slips with you and bonne chance !
I'm Happy to be Back
by snowbird ini've been in the vale of deep shadows, but am feeling more and more like myself.. i'm grateful to my doctors and modern medicine.. sylvia.
aligot ripounsous
I'm sorry to read about the desease that affects you, Sylvia, and I do hope that you will complete overcoming it. If our company can be of help to you, we'll do our very best.